CES Hypervsn "Digital Twin" Demo [UE5]

Jack Face Sample

Jack Face Sample

Jack Face Sample

Jack Face Sample

Sophia Face Sample

Sophia Face Sample

Sophia Face Sample

Sophia Face Sample

Jack Final Anim Sample

Sophia Final Anim Sample

DR Fusion Transition Graph

DR Fusion Transition Graph

Early Costume Testing + Style Refinement

Early Costume Testing + Style Refinement

Final Design (Jack)

Final Design (Jack)

Final Design (Sophia)

Final Design (Sophia)

Early testing - animation action safes for Hypervsn screens with placeholder character design.

Early Testing - lipsync + animation with placeholder character design.

Anim Retargetting

I had the opportunity to work on a content demo for CES, showing off Metahuman animation on the Hypervsn displays. For this job I created sample Metahumans, worked with the client on costume design, sequenced animation to keep within the action safes of the display, and lipsync with AI text-to-speech generation for the character performances.

December 6, 2024