KCA 2021 Blimp Tours | XR/VP

Nickelodeon's KCA21 this year featured an XR stage to facilitate their globe trotting blimp tours, allowing them to present awards virtually to artists and performers from around the world.

I had the opportunity to work with the AOIN team on these as the Lead Technical Artist in UE4.26; this included look dev and creative input, performance optimisations, master material and landscape dev, particle and VFX integration, as well as workflow and source control management. I even had a hand creating from scratch or overhauling a number of scenes, including Mars, the Suburbs, The Great Wall, and Outer Space.

I also created the interfaces and blueprint logic for live OSC control of a number of animation aspects of the Blimp itself, such as toggling visibility of the monitor array at its front, interior lighting, etc...

It was a great and exciting opportunity to bring to life a wide variety of different iconic landmarks and looks for a nostalgic childhood studio.

March 5, 2021